Vermut Extra Dry gives with every sip all the charm and class of a polished and elegant vermouth. The fresh aroma of lemon and the spicy touch of the purest ginger, in a bittersweet tonic with delicate suggestions of chamomile flowers. It is the main ingredient in cocktails internationally renowned and always loved, where the spirits find in Vermut Extra Dry their perfect and surprising match.

THE RECIPE Melange of selected Italian white wines, sugar, top quality alcohol and an infusion of natural spices and herbs. Wormwood, costmary, sage, ginger, juniper berries, chamomile flowers and lemon stand out.

la Canellese Vermut utilizza solo assenzio pontico di prima qualitàALPINE WORMWOOD
Artemisia Vallesiaca
la Canellese Vermut utilizza solo camomilla romana di prima qualitàCHAMOMILE
Anthemis Nobilis
la Canellese Vermut utilizza solo zenzero di prima qualitàGINGER
Zingiber Officinale

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